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WW: June In Photos

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature
This one might have been in May... #SorryNotSorry

Image may contain: horse, grass, tree, sky, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: plant, tree and outdoor
I pick myself flowers weekly. Funnily enough if I don't have time, Hubby often picks them for me without being prompted

Image may contain: horse, sky, outdoor and nature
Hubby & Banks at a show in a nearby town earlier in June

Image may contain: horse and outdoor

No photo description available.
Box 1 of very expensive swimmers that didn't have an egg to swim to.... don't ask.

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature
Everyone is studying how to become a farrier

Image may contain: cloud, sky, mountain, outdoor and nature
One of many daily storms rolling in

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature
Basically my second office

Spaghetti Beeb


The sleepiest noodle

Hubby and his dude at the same show

Kidd and his new lady at the schooling show we throw them into

They wound up being Reserve Champion in all 3 of their divisions over the weekend
That time I thought I could sneak in a trail ride before the next storm hits...

Spoiler Alert: We did not beat the storm and we wound up galloping half way back to the house while being pelted with pea-sized hail and sudden 60km winds.

* Snort * I'm not even sorry.  Hubby won this at a show recently but naturally, he wasn't willing to put it on his gelding.

My pones get a mash every night and sometimes they get extra spoiled


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