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All Good Things Must Come To An End

It's no secret that since our first horse show in March, my relationship with Sierra has been rocky.  She did a 180 in one day, and I have been trying to figure her out ever since.  Her recent injury set us back in terms of riding, and our first ride back ended distastefully, to say the least.  Sierra is back out in the pasture now, but seems to have pushed her luck with the herd boss and upon catching her to try and seek redemption today, I discovered a literal hoof impression on her back which, given the location, ruled out even riding bareback.  I brought her into the barn to give her a brush, and decided to take advice from a friend and take her for a hand walk through the Rye field which leads to my trails that I would love to visit at least weekly if we can get past these recent humps in our relationship.

In addition to Sierra being back to work for one whole day, Kidd is back in work and seems to be perfectly sound and happy after his time off!  I've faced some harsh realities lately that have left me feeling an array of emotions, but ultimately, I am okay with my most difficult decision, to relist Kidd for sale.  I've concluded I can barely maintain one horse right now, and I simply don't have the means (time, energy, motivation, money, etc) to ride several, let alone advance them in what they deserve.  I waffled for a long time; Sierra or Kidd.  Amara, my 2019 KWPN Filly, is also for sale but that sale was intended from conception.

Kidd was there first. Kidd has been by my side for 8 years. Kidd has roots that are important to me.  Kidd is the first horse I started and developed to the point that I did.  Kidd is the horse that broke my heart when we started having issues last year that a multitude of Vets couldn't pin point. He's taught me so much about training, compassion, understanding and rolling with the punches. I have cried into Kidd's golden mane more times than I can count, and I have hundreds upon hundreds of memories with him; good and bad.  He's also the horse that has caused me one fairly severe injury, cultivated and nurtured personal fears, and has had me crying in frustration or joy on multiple occasions.  In addition, I've always felt too big on him as well.  

Sierra came into my life because I wanted something to ride when no one could tell me why Kidd didn't feel quite right under saddle.  I didn't know if I would keep her forever, but I fell in love.  Up until March, she was like a reincarnation of my Heart Horses. She was perfect and gave me my confidence back.  Since things went sideways in March, the dynamic of our relationship has changed but I have not lost faith or motivation to recover what we've lost.  I have less history with Sierra, and that is both a pro and a con, but ultimately, she is a well conformed, well bred mare and as a result, should anything happen that were to end her riding career, she could still be of benefit as a broodmare provided she loses her recent attitude issues.  That's not to say I will keep Sierra forever, but at this stage in my life in needing to reduce my number of riding horses, I have decided to find Kidd a fantastic new home; one that enjoys his quirks and embraces him for what he is - my little red sports car.

All that being said - I refuse to sell him without having a basic PPE done first, so I have put him back into work and booked him in for a basic PPE and lameness exam on June 14th.  Pending the success of that, I will have him listed for sale.  In the mean time, he's been put back into work and has been fantastic.  

Change is hard.  It's mentally exhausting, and can be incredibly hard to face, let alone to see it through, but sometimes the best personal growth is transpired through the challenges and tribulations we face in life.  Very little life can be sustained in stagnant waters and all good things must come to an end.


  1. These decisions are tough and I'm sorry you have to let Kidd go. I hope the PPE goes well and he finds the perfect home!


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