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Showing posts from March, 2019


Since the last horse show on March 2nd, I gave Sierra a week off followed by her previously booked annual Vet appointment at which we did her vaccines and teeth floating, so naturally that resulted in additional days off.  Regardless, I still managed to blow my goal of putting at least 4 Hrs in the saddle this month, and it's been a roller coaster of a month!  I've been significantly behind in my blogging lately, mostly because a large portion of it was spent in a poor mind set, but I have since thoroughly beat myself with the Smarten-The- Fuck -Up stick. While I was positive and satisfied with the learning experience at the horse show earlier in March, evidently I stewed on it during that week off and fell into the spiral of negative thinking, which resulted in roughly 2 weeks of disappointing rides before I had a CTJ moment of my own. Drunk Pone During those brutal 2 weeks, I found each ride disappointing and frustrating.  For the first time since purchasin...

WW: Big Fat Mama

As usual .. I have a few words for this Wordless Wednesday post. "Vida" (JC: Fastination) is quickly nearing the end of her pregnancy and I'm getting sooooo excited to see this red headed beebo!  It was quite consuming, in more ways than one, to get her bred last spring and I can't believe the wait is almost over.  As of today (March 13), she is 292 days gestation.  My witchy instincts tell me she will foal >345, and it will be a filly.. which means she's going to be one of those @$$hole mares who go 400+ and it will be a colt. For those unfamiliar, a horses due date is very 'subjective' and is typically calculated at 340 - 342 days as that is the "average" of when mares tend to foal.  Anything before 320 is considered premature, but it's not unusual for mares to foal right at/around 320 - 325.. Nor is it unusual for them to go as long as 360 and they aren't considered 'over due' until beyond 365.. sometimes they even ...

FFT: Miserable People Make People Miserable

There has been an abundance of posts circulating through Social Media lately regarding bullying (of all forms) in the Equestrian industry.  These posts have included everything such as identifying and ignoring the so called “trolls”, to making a positive statement about staying true to yourself regardless of if you’re considered Plus Size, severely underweight, have feathers in your hair or anything else that you feel makes you, you.  Like everyone else in the world, I have negative thoughts both about myself and others from time to time, but I wanted to talk about how we can make changes to our behavior to change the stigma that circles our sport. Like most, I have actively participated in the vicious circles of catty people talking about other people’s choices, ignorance or differences.   I’ve gained entertainment from the failure or  unfortunate  choices of others and while you may be turning your nose up I would be truly shocked if y...

WW: New Phone

I got my new phone yesterday, which I shamelessly admit I purchased solely for the camera features, and it seemed like a great excuse to do a WW Post. All these photos were SOOC (straight out of camera) without editing or use of filters.. Downside to new phone that I discovered: IT'S NOT COMPATIBLE WITH EQUILAB * insert ugly cry * Sisi is looking hella tight in the back/SI and as though she dropped 2349280lbs after her stressful show weekend I used EcoLicious DeStress Detangler on her tail several days ago and it is still shiny, easy to brush and healthy looking!

Field Trip No. 002 | HTS I Show: C'est La Vie

On Friday, March 1st I left work early and headed home to load my horse trailer full of supplies for the Horse Show that we store at my house.  Our first show of the year was scheduled for Saturday, March 2nd and not only was I running it, but I had also planned to ride in it.  It's a 3 Part Hunter Training Series (AKA HTS I), and we had a Walk/Trot Division, and a Hack Division in addition to over fences from Cross Rails to 2'6 with flats & jogs.  I had entered the W/T under saddles but skipped the in-hand because I didn't feel like it was fair to be eligible for the W/T High Point, and I also entered the 3 Hack Classes.  "C" was bringing Hershey as well, and as a fellow show committee member she and I decided to haul Sierra and Hershey into the arena on Friday to stall over night. This show has been on my radar since much earlier this winter, and it was a stretch goal at best, but I knew I wanted to 'go through the motions' of a show to see how ...

March Goals + February Analysis

While I didn't hit every goal for February, I think I nailed quite a few and I'm really proud of myself!  As to not take away from other posts, I've vowed to keep my Goals/Analysis posts short and to the point, with little explanation.. So here it is! February Goals,  Appointments & To-Do's: Spend at least 30 minutes without Stirrups I didn't specifically time this, but I did it several times and i'm pretty sure it was around 30 min Spend at least 4 Hours in the Saddle Unfortunately the record setting Extreme Cold Warning that lasted over 10 consecutive days and several other individual days didn't have me quite hitting this goal.  I hit roughly 3.5 hours though, so it's something! Continue with the (in-hand) stretches & do more Accupressure Did this regularly! Continue to improve my aids and positioning while tracking right While I feel like this will be an ongoing task, I will say I feel some improvement was found th...