On February 6, 2018 the day had come. Kidd was booked in to see the travelling Vet
who comes to our area to follow up on our appointment last month. In our last appointment, we isolated Kidd’s
issues and confirmed he is not 100% in the hind end; a concern I had lurking
deep in my muddled brain for an unfortunate number of years. I had been convinced by peers and coaches alike that
Kidd was fine - I just couldn’t ride him well enough - however my growing
suspicions convinced me to seek a professional opinion. My concerns were quickly confirmed when he
saw the travelling High Performance Equine vet in early January. Upon failing the flexions in both hind limbs,
we put Kidd on Previcox while I tracked his reaction and wrapped my head around
the possibility of needing to have Joint Injections done.
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Scrub-a-dub-dub... Note how 'different' Kidd's front feet are |
Unfortunately shortly after seeing the Vet in January, Kidd succumbed to the viral
cold wreaking havoc throughout the barn, and as a result he was in minimal work
for nearly 2 weeks. Once his cough was
less productive, I lunged him and put a few light walking rides on him. During this time, Kidd was transitioning from
the ½ Tab of Previcox, down to the ¼ Tab maintenance dose. I had noticed an immense change in his way of
going on the lunge line within the first 3 days of being on the Previcox, and
was very overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions; both relieved to know he truly
is/was in pain, but disappointed in myself for not following my gut and addressing
it sooner. As time went on and he was
over his cold and consistently on the ¼ Tab dosage, I did notice a slight
decline however there was still a big improvement in comparison to before the
Previcox. In our initial appointment,
the Vet said if I noticed a change from the ½ to ¼ tab, to bump him back up to ½
however I chose to keep him at ¼ so I had a good baseline going into our next
appointment. I had rode him a handful of
times after he was no longer showing cold symptoms and had a mixture of ‘okay’
rides and one ride that I was very happy with.
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Just the handsomest |
After noting the improvement while on Previcox a few weeks ago, I made the
difficult decision to book the appointment to do Joint Injections the next time
the Vet was up. While we do have local
vets, they are primarily cow/farm vets and as someone already anxious enough
about Joint Injections, I chose to stick with the vet who comes to us from the
Calgary Area as she is a High Performance Equine Vet with an affinity for
sports medicine and soundness. As a
result, she does hundreds of joint injections, and I knew she would ease my concerns
as a result. The appointment was booked
for Tuesday, February 6 2018 and I chose to ride him the day before to have a
really good feeling going into the appointment, and something to compare it to
post injections. While the ride was
incredibly subpar on so many levels, I guess in a way that’s a good thing
because it should give me a good comparison the next time I ride.
To be honest, I was torn on writing this post. Joint Injections are rarely spoke of in my area of the English world. They’re kind of the
enigma within horse care, and are often frowned upon by many in my region. On the contrary, they’re very common in the
Western industry but remain the elusive backroom discussion in most surrounding English
communities and as a result there is a lot of misconception. I will be the first to admit, I was not only
heartbroken, but equally skeptical when the Vet suggested them. I had convinced myself I wrecked my horse and
subsequently ruined his life and any chance at being competitive. As the weeks passed after our first
appointment, I took every spare moment to gain the knowledge I lacked in modern
Joint Injections and what it entailed and I was pleasantly surprised to note
the improvements in science in recent years.
Still anxiously concerned with a hint of negativity circling around in
my head, I booked the appointment to bite the bullet and get it done and truthfully,
it was entirely based on the improvement I saw while on the Previcox.
On Monday evening I was exhausted and found myself in bed by 8:45, however I
spent a lot of that night alert; chock full of anxiety. I was awake well before my alarm rang out and
I begrudgingly drug myself out of bed, dreading the day ahead. As the minutes became hours and the clock
continued to tick along in my bland office, I could feel the anxiety building
deep within me. Lost in the concern of
having ruined my horse, causing him unnecessary pain, and topping it off with the ‘what
if’ thoughts of post-injection complications, I fought to supress the battle
taking place in my brain. Finally, the
time had come when I was finished work and heading to the barn; lost in a
flustered trance.
I arrived at the barn and gave Kidd a brush while conversing
with the Vet, her assistant (who is Kidd’s Chiropractor), and a friend who’s
horse was seeing the vet before us.
Luckily, the Vet is fantastic, laid back, warm and inviting. As they joked loudly about the adorable little
Hafingers impressively sized manhood, I felt a small shard of anxiety disperse
as I became more at ease.
Finally, it was Kidd’s turn. We
discussed the improvement with the Previcox and discussed some other
under-saddle issues I was having with him recently. While she did question Ulcers, we both agreed
to sort out his soundness issues first, then revaluate our other concerns later
to avoid medicating for things and incurring additional expense for something
unnecessary, when he doesn’t necessarily fit ‘every’ symptom.. from there, we
went straight into walking/trotting in hand to see how he was moving. She noted improvement from our last
appointment, but he was still not 100% behind.
We flexed him again to have something to compare to, and the results
mirrored our last appointment. We also
hoof tested him, as last time he had shoes/pads on and we weren’t able to. He showed mild heel pain but it is likely
attributed to just pulling his shoes.
Regardless, I informed my farrier (as she wanted to know), and we will
keep it in mind moving forward.
After the flexions, the Vet quickly re-presented my options
for treatment but said if I choose to just stay with the Previcox, she
recommends a minimum of a ½ a tab and it’s truly not meant to be used long-term
(as in, the rest of his life). Plus, she
reminded me it is like bute and essentially masks pain, rather than treating or
slowing degeneration like injections do.
I announced that I had come prepared to inject him, and she quickly
looked relieved and said she feels like I am making the right choice. I took the opportunity to ask her about TMJ
Injections because lets be real, at this point I already have to sell my first
born child on the black market to pay my vet bills, so why not! It had come as a recommendation from Kidd’s
Chiropractor, and after a lengthy discussion she agreed it would likely be
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50% Drugs, 50% Miserable |
As we took Kidd to the Wash Bay to begin scrubbing him down in preparation for
the injections. Kidd’s Chiro assured me
she would scrub him extra-well, as she knew I was still concerned and we
lightly joked about giving me injections as well to ease my own tension. Upon ample scrubbing, we laughed at how very
much awake Kidd still was, despite receiving a fairly heavy standing sedation,
and we topped him up and pulled him out into a well lit space. As the Vet approached us with 10 needles in
hand, my heart jumped into my throat. It was happening, and as Kidd unsuspectingly
dozed in hand, I attempted to push things back down; buried – just how I like
to keep my feelings.
Each stifle requires 2 injections, each hock requires 3, and each TMJ requires
1, which equals a whole lot of poking and scariness for me.
Before I knew it, the first needle was injected in Kidd’s
right stifle and she quickly called me around to her to show me the runny joint
fluid leaking from the needle. She explained,
in detail, the consistency she looks for and reminded me that theoretically a
healthy and happy joint would not have any ‘push back’ when she inserts the
needle, especially a steady stream. Push
back indicates excessive pressure in the joint, which in turn indicates inflammation. Additionally, the runny/watery consistency
supports that theory as it indicates there is fluid in the joint. As she performed the second injection in his
Right Stifle, the same watery fluid leaked from the needle thus providing relief
that I had made the correct decision.
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Right Hock Injection (1 of 3) |
She then moved to his Left Stifle, and the same fluid leaked
out however not quite as much, nor was it quite as runny.. regardless, there
was still indication of growing problems.
From there, she moved onto his hocks.
By now, Kidd was protesting her needles despite being heavily sedated
and though he didn’t kick, he did regularly lift legs in an ‘owwwwwwwwwwie,
lady!’ reaction. Regardless, the vet
continued on and we again noted the runny fluid leaking from the first 2
injections in his right hock. While his
left hock produced none, we injected it regardless.
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We luv drugs |
From there, we moved to his TMJ’s which were particularly
scary to me. Needles in my horses face? No thank you. I’m not squeamish at all,
but all I could think of was going too far and hitting his brain – I’m
neurotic. Additionally, he will have his
teeth done when she is back in march.
Just like that, my bank account and will to live were both
drained. It was done, and I was reminded what I good decision I had made. My anxiety quickly transitioned to concerns
of Joint Flairs or other adverse reactions, and I sent a long winded text to
the barn manager, knowing full well she is very much aware he was injected and what
to look for. I confirmed it was okay to
put his stable blanket back on (again, I’m neurotic) and waited for him to wake
up before administering his oral bute to him.
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Resting that foot really accentuates how rotund he is |
Kidd will be on Oral Bute for 3 days, and continue on the Previcox for 10. By the 10th day, his injections
should be in ‘full effect’ and we can then take him off the Previcox and track
the changes. The goal is to not need any
Previcox at all, and I’m really hoping that is the case, but time will tell.
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Leadropes were actually designed for holding heads up |
She instructed he have 3 days off from any forced exercise but I have decided
to give him until Sunday or Monday off, just to be safe. I will continue to hand walk and stretch him
and he will be turned loose in the arena to play with his buddies as per usual. If the weather ever smartens up, he will be
reminded what the outside world looks like (seriously, he hasn’t gone outside
in 10 days now due to the extreme cold), and hopefully be feeling like a brand
new man as mama takes to the streets to pay for his vet bills.
A lot of english competition horses get injections all over the place, definitely does not carry a stigma where I am from.
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting! I re-worded my post a little as I wasn't clear, I meant specifically my region and the area I grew up in :)
DeleteYeah my experience is the same as L's above. Joint injections are pretty common among all disciplines where I live :) hopefully you see great improvement!
ReplyDeleteThat's interesting! I suspect it will pick up in my area as this vet develops more clients in the area. I hope I do as well - I just want him feeling good!!
DeleteNot intending to make you any more paranoid, but apparently if the joint gets infected it won't show up for at least a week. This was news to me last time I had hocks done. I always thought it would happen much faster.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure you will be pleasantly surprised when you start riding again at the difference in how Kidd feels. And then kick yourself for waiting so long to do it. The first time is hard, but when you see the good results it is much easier afterwards!
Haha no worries, luckily the Vet was very detailed in the possibilities of complications and let me know that problems may not be 'obvious' for 5-8 days post injections, so I have come to accept that I will continue to be a ball of anxiety for at least a week, lol!
DeleteThank you for your kind words, i'm curious to see how he feels in 10-14 days!!
yep i'll echo the rest to say that joint injections have grown increasingly common in basically every horse sport. i know what you mean about not a lot of people talking a ton about them... but it's not as much of a "secret" as it maybe used to be. (hell, walk around any fancy dressage barn in the winter to see how many horses have little clipped spots up and down their legs lol).
ReplyDeletere: the fluid in the joint, every healthy joint capsule has synovial fluid in it. it's what lubricates the joint and keeps it operating smoothly and without friction. friction being the thing that creates inflammation. so fluid in the joint is not the issue -- rather, it's the viscosity of the fluid that tells you about the overall joint health. that runny fluid? suggests a break down in the fluid, and suggests the fluid isn't doing as good of a job as a lubricant. when it's higher viscosity (ie, healthier), you can squeeze a drop between two fingers then see "threads" of thick fluid between your fingers when you separate them. that thick, high viscosity fluid is the goal, and what the injected chemicals seek to produce.
i hope Kidd feels like a million bucks after all this!!
I live in a fairly secluded area of Western Alberta and while it's very common in the Western industry, few in our English community discuss it openly and I have been judged fairly strongly over the past month when telling 'friends' and acquaintances but i'm sure as the Vet builds English clientele in this area, it will become more common. That being said, one of my best friends/clients has been injecting her geldings hocks for 2 years and I saw first hand the massive improvement it has made in him and I'm certainly curious to see how they go with Kidd! I'm hopeful, but a shard of that is because I need to be in order to accept the bill coming my way! I'm not looking forward to doing my quarterly financial report post.... lol!
DeleteThank you for your supportive words, and thank you for clarifying my mumbo-jumbo re: joint fluid! Basically everything you had said was what the Vet told me, I was incredibly unclear in explaining it, which I will attribute to my frazzled anxiety (and thus unable to form legible sentences, apparently) and lack of familiarity in this realm of horse care. As such, I appreciate your input!!
I'm so glad you are feeling better about the injections - fingers crossed Kidd is feeling much better after his date with the Vet!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cathryn! I'm sure in a week or two I will be feeling much better about this!