At the end of December in 2018, I made a post with some New Years Resolutions which included the following things: SAME OLD / Eat healthier SAME OLD / Ditch the negativity SAME OLD / Don't do things that make me miserable for the sake of making others happy NEW / Ride for the journey, not the ribbons NEW / Be less wasteful/Have less environmental impact NEW / De-Clutter your life physically & emotionally NEW / Read more Novels Truth be told, I feel like I nailed all of the "Same Old" plans. I've lost a little weight, I look at myself and things around me with a much more positive light, and I have become more firm in standing up for myself and my own happiness and mental well-being. I have never denied myself the foods I want, but I have been much more aware of the nutrients I put in my body and have made healthier choices. Recently, my husband (who normally saunters out of bed after I leave for work) asked ...