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2020 Blogger Secret Santa / Gift Exchange | Master List |

In November I anxiously awaited the Blogger Secret Santa Gift Exchange, which was employed by our fearless leader The Printable Pony in previous years.  As the days ticked by, I began getting concerned about having enough time to shop and ship, plus pure excitement like a rather annoying kid in a candy shop, I couldn't resist any longer and I reached out to ask her when she would be releasing the application.  Last year was my first year participating, and I was so excited to do it again, I couldn't sit on my hands any longer!  Unfortunately, she replied and let me know she wasn't able to take it on this year. That is a 100% fair and respectable choice, so after a day of sadness, I decided to go for it myself!  I knew it would be a bit of a 'risk' because I don't think I have a ton of followers so I knew a lot of regulars would miss it, but I had hoped if even 5 people saw it and participated, that was better than none. Ironically, that's exactly how many we ended up with, but in hindsight I should have encouraged others to spread the word (sorry y'all, I dropped the ball but only had the best intentions)  Three stateside bloggers participated, and 2 (including myself) Canadians took part in the exchange.  I tried to post about it and include the link in several unrelated posts in hopes that the word would spread but alas, a lot of people still missed out (I'm sorry, again!!)

I set the rules so that the exchange was only open to active bloggers. I know some other bloggers have been disappointed in the past when they go to extreme lengths finding the perfect gift(s), often going above and beyond the suggested budget, and their receiver never said so much as a private thank-you, let alone made a post about the goodies.  The one who didn't post in particular that comes to mind IS an active blogger, but I hoped in ensuring all participants were active on their blogs would help minimize this. I can completely understand the disparity of going to such trouble to not even be thanked, and as such it was important to me that it was only available to those who had a blog on-the-go.  I also made a point of following up with the exchangers a few times, with gentle (and hopefully not annoying) nudges to remember to post once their gifts arrived.  No one needed it though; they were all great and posted promptly! 

I was the last to post, but between all the COVID impulse buys and the humdrum of the regular holiday season, mail services were extremely slow.  What would normally take about 5 business days was taking double, or even triple, so it really slowed things down.  I had suggested everyone try and have things in the mail for December 1st, but even I wasn't able to hold myself to that standard, as I had ordered something online and had to wait for it to arrive before I could even ship my gift back across the country - woops!  Like introducing flying changes, better late than never amirite?!

It's not my intent to take the Exchange over long-term so if or when TPP wants it back, I will gladly step back and seriously - mad respect for her because it's a heck of a juggling act, even with only a handful of applicants!  That aside, I still had a blast and in my own little world that seems to be otherwise standing still on the horsey-front, it was nice to have some more content to share!

So, from the bottom of my cold, black heart, thank you to those who participated! I do not know what the future has instore for exchanges but if TPP no longer wants to do it, I will do my best to keep it running though I don't think I'll ever have it going as smooth as her! I appreciate those who chose to take part in the fun, and if nothing else we got to do a little giving, a little getting, and a little blogging!

2020 Blogger Secret Santa Gift Exchange Master List

Cruisen In Stilletto's Exchange Post

Rodney's Saga's Exchange Post

The $900 ******** Pony's Exchange Post

Jump2PlanBE Exchange Post

Alberta Equest's Exchange Post


  1. Replies
    1. Oh and - thanks for stepping in to host!

    2. I didn't want to get you further incriminated 😂

  2. Well done! I don't trust myself to be organized enough to participate in such things, but I loved reading everyone's posts.


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