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Blog Hop: 2020 Summary; Covid Edition

 While we all live in different towns, have different goals and different lives - but one thing that we all have in common is what a wild and wonky year 2020 was.  The reality is, it's all affected us in one way or another, and with 2020 coming to an end it's time to reflect and look hopeful towards an improved 2021.

What's the best thing that happened to you in 2020?

Personal: Hands down, the birth of my daughter.  After 4 years of fertility struggles, I'm beyond grateful and though some days feel like an eternity of struggle, confusion and pain, my heart has never been more full.

Horsey: It's hard to choose. Despite hardly riding, I've had a lot of wonderful horsey-filled memories this year.  From the birth of Phascinating BRR, my second homebred to date, to the few rides I got to enjoy and making a major investment in my breeding business, there's been lots to be thankful for.

What's the worst thing that happened to you in 2020?

Personal: It's not something I've publicly discussed to any extent, but I have been walking the line of Post Partum Depression for the past 2 months, and some days feel like an unimaginable struggle.

Horsey: Hands down, thinking I could trust someone who cared for me and my horse, only to have it completely backfire resulting in me on my ass (literally and figuratively), and my horse being worse off than when I bought her... Oops, that was my outside voice.

What was your biggest purchase in 2020?

Personal: Probably our 2018 Jeep Rubicon - we needed something with 4 doors for the little!

Horsey: I think I technically paid for my saddle in 2019, and if you don't count the (wasted) money on training/shows/etc, definitely my Ultrasound Machine.

What was your biggest accomplishment in 2020?

Personal: Much like the first question, growing and birthing a human is definitely my biggest feat of the year, and of my life.

Horsey: I had to dig for this one - I feel like I majorly neglected my horses this year as I was busy being pregnant and raising a tiny human but alas, I think my biggest horsey-related accomplishment was seeing peoples true colours and finally putting myself and my mental health within the equestrian community first.

What do you feel COVID robbed you of in 2020?

Personal: Seeing my hubby have to wait in the car during special moments like ultrasounds was really tough - that being said, I'm so grateful he had full access to all-things-hospital when it was finally go-time. I've seen several posts online of women who's partners couldn't even be there for labour and deliver. I couldn't imagine!

Horsey: Truth be told, I'm one of the few that am kind of grateful for the timing - Obviously I wouldn't wish a global pandemic on anyone, but if it were to happen, it was a bitter-sweet timing because honestly, I didn't have much planned for this year anyway due to being pregnant and having a newborn.

Were you subject to any COVID Impulse Buys in 2020?

Personal: Luckily, no though I did far too much online shopping for Baby related things.

Horsey: Also no because I don't count my Ultrasound Machine.

So there you have it - lets lay it all out - share your 2020 Summary; Covid Edition because despite things not going as we had planned, there was still lots to be grateful for!

Like this precious little face experiencing her first Christmas.


  1. Great post. I am working on my version of these great questions. I think 2020 was the year for purging our lives of the unimportant to make room for the essentials.

    1. Isn't that the truth! So much for reading Nat!

  2. Great post! Congrats again on the little one - what a cutie! :-) And the u/s machine is also very neat. I have been slacking on posts, so this is a good bloghop to use to get me going again!

  3. So happy for you - what a gorgeous girl she is <3

    1. Thank you so much! She's pretty darn cute, but i'm biased!

  4. What a great post. I will share with you that I had post partum depression after the birth of my son. It was horrible. I finally got on some medication and it helped (took about 2 months though). Please don't hesitate to reach out and get help.

    1. It's remarkable how many women I know have come forward since I opened up a little about it. It's absolutely crippling some days, yet my heart has never been more full. It's a very confusing feeling! I'm so glad you were able to get the help you needed!


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