While I didn't hit every goal for February, I think I nailed quite a few and I'm really proud of myself! As to not take away from other posts, I've vowed to keep my Goals/Analysis posts short and to the point, with little explanation.. So here it is!
February Goals, Appointments & To-Do's:
Spend at least 30 minutes without StirrupsI didn't specifically time this, but I did it several times and i'm pretty sure it was around 30 min- Spend at least 4 Hours in the SaddleUnfortunately the record setting Extreme Cold Warning that lasted over 10 consecutive days and several other individual days didn't have me quite hitting this goal. I hit roughly 3.5 hours though, so it's something!
Continue with the (in-hand) stretches & do more AccupressureDid this regularly!Continue to improve my aids and positioning while tracking rightWhile I feel like this will be an ongoing task, I will say I feel some improvement was found this month so I'll call it a win!- Continue to develop the lateral work
Focus more on improving the right rein stability while tracking rightDefinitely showing improvementContinue to develop the R+R+C, especially in the TrotDefinitely showing improvement, especially since improving my saddle fit!Start incorporating some different, more challenging figures & more progressional transitionsWhile the figures are hard in the small arena, I have been doing lots of NP Transitions!Do a Hunter Clip if the weather is looking favorable for March/AprilWeather is not favorable but i'm going to call this a win because I did re-clip and just re-did the Chaser that was 3/4 grown out.. I also took it a little higher up to her crest this time.Haul to the indoor to ride there at least once, even if it's short* Stretch Goal *Nailed this!! We hauled to the indoor on February 24 and though it's technically not February, I will also be hauling in, riding & stalling for the night on March 1st (today) in preparation of the HTS I Show on March 2nd.
Pentosan InjectionAdministered February 1stSaddle FitterWas on February 3rd - Rescheduled & Performed on Feb 10REMT, Session #3Performed February 16
March Goals,
- Spend at least 30 Minutes w/o Stirrups
- Get out of the Arena when Weather permits
- Spend at least 4 Hours in the Saddle
- Continue to improve my aids and positioning while tracking right
- Continue to develop the R+R+C
- Continue to develop a correct stretch in W & T
- Ride in HTS I (March 2)
- Ride in HTS II (March 30)
- Go to all the pre-booked Pilates Classes (6 in total)
It can be tough to accomplish stuff when the weather is so poor, onward to March!