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1st Quarter Recap + 2nd Quarter Goals

"If you're going through hell, keep going" - Winston Churchill

1st Quarter Goals,
·         Keep Kidd's mane tame
·         Continue to have fun, and literally just enjoy the ride
·         Track my Expenses
·         Find a feeding plan suited to Kidd 
 (See Post: 1st Quarter Goals)

So at this point it’s safe to say things have not gone to plan in 2018.  Things started well, but the mudslide quickly started and I’m feeling like I’m scraping rock bottom in my riding right now.  I know I will get through this, but this post is really difficult to write at this point as a result.  I’m shining light on my failure in doing this, but it needs to be done. I’m genuinely curious to add the recent expenses up, and perhaps in owing my sh!tshow of an equestrian themed life, I will somehow find motivation to push forward; drag myself from this trench I’ve dug.

Kidd’s Mane - I’m proud to say I have stayed on top of this fairly well.  I have taken to clipping it on both sides of his crest and it’s really helping it to lay flat and stay ‘tame’.  It’s significantly thinner, which will make braiding easier if we ever get to that point.

Continue to have fun - Erm.. well.. *awkward laugh*, I think I’ve failed miserably in this regard.  The first 2 weeks of January were fun. I couldn’t wait to get to the barn, but as things started go gain downward momentum, I have stopped having any fun on the back of a horse.  The joy in my equestrian-related life lately has been lived vicariously through my students as they continue to advance and unlock exciting new things with their horses.

Track my expenses -  We have had a slug of Vet Bills this first quarter, from Kidd’s first injections to needing his teeth done, board, etc it’s actually insane.  I took Kidd home on march 17 so I’m saving money now and I think most of the vet bills are behind us *knock on wood*.  I have talied my expenses though i'm sure I missed a few, and listed them below. Oof!!

Feeding Plan - Kidd was on a handful of oats, 2 cups of Grow N’ Win, Magnesium, Spirulina, Biotin, Canpressco and Aloe Vera Juice and I was really happy with how he looked. He also got 4 flakes of Alfalfa per day.  Towards the end he started putting on weight as I wasn’t riding as much, but his coat looks great.

1st Quarter Expenses
AEF Insurance, $50 (annual)
Board, $1,733
Vet, $1,601.87
Farrier, $405 (includes horses at home)
Equine Chiropractor, $94.50
Saddle Fitter, $262.50
Misc, $400.00 (est, incl feed, etc)
Total: $4,546.87


2nd Quarter Goals

I may be shooting a little high here in some regards based on how my recent rides have gone but I need something to motivate me to push forward, as the only thing worse than where i'm at is the fear of not getting passed it.. Plus I feel like these are achievable. 
This Quarter will serve for April, May & June.

  • Ride/hack at least 5 Miles per Month
  • Stop taking the 'scary moments' so seriously and try to laugh them off
  • Jump at least twice per Month (weather pending)
  • Try the new Farrier (booked for May 3rd)
  • Ride in at least 1 Show, even if it's at Training Level again - :'( -
  • Keep trying for Changes and Half Passes
  • Get Vida confirmed in Foal to Parcival
  • Work on the farm and landscaping the yard
  • Run the Spring Opener with good success
  • Do at least 1 blog post that doesn't encompass me whining about my life


  1. Like I had said before, I hesitate to add up my expenses lol. Here is to cheaper 2nd quarter? I mean.... I sure hope so haha.

    Also - <3 Big hugs. I know you have a battle going on right now. Always here for you no matter what!

  2. Uhg yeah I am with you, I hope my Q2 is cheaper than Q1 (had to pay a lot of taxes this year blegh)


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