Often times while i'm driving or doing other mindless tasks I come up with brilliant blog post ideas. Lately, very few are actually related to my own life, but rather about things I would love to educate people about. Then I take that newfound motivation and catch up on my Blog Reading, and always seem to come across something that makes me second guess my existence all that fun, deep stuff. So, I slowly step backwards into the dark abyss I once surfaced from, and decide to, once again, complain about my own horses. How it "should" look. Luckily, I don't have *THAT* much to complain about today. Kai's most recent wound is crap - surprise surprise.. I mean, why would things just go normally and uneventful? That's not in Kai's nature. She loves to see me spend $400 on a bill for an emergency vet visit and sutures that don't even last a week, and naturally she would develop an infection - I mean, IT'S KAI. Luckily, things are impro...