In my last post I touched on the lesson with my friend "S" when she spent the weekend on my farm, but I really wanted to save the details for it's own post. When I bought Sierra on June 9, 2018, the following weekend I hosted a Dressage Clinic at my house with a Calgary based instructor, however unfortunately it didn't work out to bring her back for future clinics. As a result, I haven't had a lesson on Sierra since that weekend, which means we haven't had a lesson in over a year! While "S" remains adamant that this was not a formal lesson, based on the sweat dripping from both of us by the end, I think it counts. If I were to break the past year into sections that encompass all that we've worked on they would be Introductions, Construction Work and Refurbishing. I would venture to say I have paced myself to really establish our relationship and identify and repair pot holes which was then followed by taking an abrupt and unforeseen detour...