I'm doing my Annual Recap early because, well, my horsey-year is over. Between not taking advantage of the re-opening local indoor this year due to time and financial constraints, and Sierra being pregnant, I'm taking a good hiatus from the saddle. I still hope to get my boots dirty from time to time on some of our other horses, but with winter looming in the not-so-far distance, I don't forsee much time being spent on the back of a horse in the near future. While it gives me a strange sense of desire, it also brings an odd relief. I ended my season on a high, and I'm so incredibly glad I did. Thinking back to roughly this time last year, Sierra had just gotten home from she-who-should-not-be-named, and I found my recently post-partumed ass chucked in a snowbank amid frozen ground. She was wound so tight, full of ulcers and half lame whilst I was confused, upset and disappointed in myself for the situation I found myself in. Once we got her back on the road...